

1.1 The Institute shall be known as the Saint Lucia Institute of Architects.


2.1 The area covered by the Institute shall be the state of Saint Lucia and any other countries as
may wish to be associated with the Institute at some future date.


3.1 To advance and encourage the profession of Architecture.
3.2 To safeguard matters of professional practice in the interest of the public and members of the Institute.
3.3 To promote public awareness and interest in the art and practice of Architecture.
3.4 To create a forum for Architects practicing in Saint Lucia.
3.5 To promote and encourage the study of Architecture.
3.6 To promote the Association of Architectural Societies and Institutes regionally and internationally.


4.1 Application for membership shall be on a prescribed form setting out sufficient particulars for
the executive committee to decide for which class of membership, if any, the applicant is eligible.


5.1 There shall be the following classes of members of the Saint Lucia Institute of Architects:
(a) Full Members
(b) Associate Members. Levels 1, 2, & 3
(c) Student Members
(d) Visiting Members
(e) Honorary Members.
(f) Corporate Members
5.1.1 All Full Members shall hold a degree or diploma in architecture from a recognized school of architecture and have a minimum of two years practical experience in Saint Lucia or be persons
who qualify under the grandfather clause of the Architects Registration Act when legislated. All qualifications must be acceptable to theCouncil.
5.1.2 Associate Members: To qualify as an Associate Member of the Institute at varying levels an applicant must fulfill one or more of the following criteria: LEVEL 1 - ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP - GRADUATE LEVEL: Shall hold a five year degree or diploma in architecture recognized and accredited by the Institute in association with ACSAC. LEVEL 2 - ASSOCIATE MEMBER - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: Shall hold a three year first degree or diploma in architecture recognized and accredited by the Institute in association with ACSAC as an intermediate level qualification. LEVEL 3 - ASSOCIATE MEMBER - FOUNDATION LEVEL: Shall hold a first diploma in building construction technology and drafting from the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College or other equivalent approved qualification together with a minimum of two
years supervised architectural drawing office experience. All classes of Associate Membership shall not hold office or be eligible to vote.
5.1.3 STUDENT MEMBERSHIP: Secondary school students at Form 6 (A-level), as well as students at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College or equivalent educational establishment who might be aspiring to become architects may join the Institute as Student Members. Student Members shall
not hold office or be eligible to vote.
5.1.4 VISITING MEMBERSHIP: This category of membership is available for qualified visiting professionals employed in Saint Lucia under the legal constraints of a Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour in consultation with the Saint Lucia Institute of Architects. Qualification shall include a five year
degree or diploma recognized and accredited by the Institute in association with ACSAC. The tenure of such membership shall be in strict accordance with the time limits and other stipulations imposed by the above mentioned Work Permit. Visiting members shall not hold office nor be eligible to vote.
5.1.5 HONORARY MEMBERSHIP: This form of membership is reserved for persons of distinction to be nominated by a Full Member, recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a two thirds majority vote. Honorary members shall not hold office nor be eligible to vote.
5.1.6 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP: Corporate Membership is available for Saint Lucia based Practices -Partnerships and/or Limited Liability Companies registered under the Companies Act of Saint Lucia as well as joint ventures between two or more Saint Lucia based practices or between a St Lucia based Practice and an overseas based Practice. To qualify for Corporate Membership the -Practice or joint venture of Practices" must be led by a Registered Architect with Full Membership in the SLIA and a majority of the Principals/Directors of the Practice or Joint Venture must also be Saint.Lucian Registered Architects with Full or Visiting Membership in the SLIA.


6.1 There shall be a council comprising the following officers and members elected for a term of one (1)year at the Annual General Meeting.
(a) President
(b) Vice President
(c) Secretary
(d) Treasurer
(e) Two Members
6.2 Nominations for election of officers for the council shall be proposed and seconded by members in good standing at the Annual General Meeting and shall be elected by ballot. In the event of a vacancy arising on the council, council may appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
6.3 The President shall not serve for more than two years in succession.
6.4 A quorum for meetings of the council shall consist of four members of the council.
6.5 In the event of a tie in connection with any vote of council, the chairman shall have an additional casting vote.


7.1 Annual General Meetings shall be held at not more than 12 month intervals. A notice of the agenda for the meeting shall be circulated to all classes of membership not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall include:
(a) Minutes of the last General meeting to be read, approved and signed.
(b) Matters arising from the minutes.
(c) Presidents report on the years activities.
(d) Treasurers report and presentation of accounts.
(e) Election of new council and
(f) Other business.
7.2 The President or his representative may at his discretion and/or by request from three or more members call an Extraordinary General Meeting giving written notice of the agenda to the membership not less than 14 days prior to the meeting.
7.3 A quorum for the Annual General Meeting and the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be one third to the Full Members in good standing.
7.4 A prescribed time frame for the commencement of any meeting shall be specified in the notice of that meeting.
7.5 At any Council Meeting four members shall constitute a quorum.
7.6 Only Full Members of the Institute in good standing shall be entitled to vote on any matter and a simple majority of these members voting in person or by proxy at any Annual or Extraordinary General meeting shall constitute a deciding vote. Matters relating to the constitution shall be dealt with in accordance with Clause 11.


8.1 There shall be a yearly subscription for each class of membership. This subscription shall become due on the 15th day of January each year and shall be paid to the Treasurer.
8.2 Subscriptions shall be as may be decided at an Annual or Extraordinary General meeting from time to time.
8.3 Subscriptions for new membership after 1st day of October shall be deemed to be for the following calendar year.


9.1 An inventory of the Institutes property shall be kept and controlled by the Treasurer of the Institute who shall subsequently report to the Annual General Meeting. A Financial Report shall be prepared by a Chartered Accountant appointed by the council.
9.2 An account in the name of the Saint Lucia Institute of Architects shall be maintained at a bank approved by the members. Cheques to be draw on this account shall bear the signatures of two of the following members: Treasurer, President, and Vice President.
9.3 The income and property of the Institute, when so ever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Institute as set forth by this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly howsoever by way of profit to members of the Institute.


10.1 The code of professional conduct shall be for the time being that of the Royal Institute of British Architects until a local code has been prepared and approved at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting and this code shall be binding upon all members who shall be subject to such disciplinary measures as the council shall from time to time determine.
11.1 Any alterations or amendments to this constitution shall be proposed and the motion shall be circulated by the Secretary to the membership at least seven days before an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting when a vote shall be taken.
11.2 A motion shall be deemed to be carried by a simple majority of the members in good standing, voting in person or by proxy.